Automating Temperature Measurement & Recording via Vision-Based System

Industry Type: Medical Equipment Manufacturing

Background: The current process requires the operator to be present constantly to record the reading manually to keep track of the temperature of the oven. The manual checking of temperature proves suboptimal, leading to the distraction of the operators and a decline in productivity.

Objective: To implement a vision-based data acquisition system for remote temperature monitoring, recording and alert.

Implementation / Training Topic: Real-time temperature tracking of oven

  1. Vision-Based System – To capture data automatically in real-time, a camera is installed to read the temperature reading from the oven.

  2. Data Visualisation – Remote dashboard to display real-time data with historical trend.


  1. Reduction of 6.5 manhours/day to man and attends to alert. (From 8hrs/day to 1.5hrs/day)
  2. Reduction of 9.5% to 14.5% of product waste contributed by human error. (From 10% to 15% to 0.5%)
  3. 3 job roles, comprising of 7 staffs, have been transformed.

Training Partner: Singapore Polytechnic