Innovate to Ingest: A Tech-Driven Approach to Enhance Safety and Productivity

Innovate to Ingest A Tech-Driven Approach to Enhance Safety and Productivity

Industry Type: Electronics

Background: The current process of loading ingots into the furnace manually. This daily operation involves long hours as ingots is gradual melted until the desired alloy quantity is achieved. This process is strenuous to the workers and exposes the workers to potential hazards.

Objective: To have an automation design that can handle the current process to reduce the risk for the workers and to improve the efficiency of the loading process.

Implementation / Training Topic: Evaluation of multiple automation techniques:

  1. Automation design for loading of ingots into the furnace:
    1. Design of automation layout and key components for the ingot loading into the furnace
    2. Selection of air balancer for ingot transfer from the pallet into the furnace with customised design of end gripper
    3. 3D CAD model, drawings and gripper design
  2. Automation design for transfer of molten alloy into mould casts:
    1. Design of automation layout and key components for the transfer of molten liquid into cavity moulding equipment
    2. Selection of equipment for molten alloy transfer into mould cast
    3. 3D CAD model, drawings and gripper design.

Outcome: By going through with an automation simulation, it reduces the initial financial setup risk of the company. The company has engaged a System Integrator to discuss possible implementation of the automated loading of ingot and the automated transfer of molten alloy.

Training Partner: SIMTech