Overview This course consists of 3 full-day sessions covering hands-on session using both commercial software and open source networks for developing deep learning models. This would enhance the understanding of deep learning principles. At the end of the course, the participants will be able to develop deep learning models for …
Overview This course covers the process of product development and trains the use of state-of-art computer tools with fabrication facilities to generate new models and new prototypes. Participants shall learn how to generate innovative product concepts and further build mechanical and electrical prototypes. With the guidance of the experts in …
Overview ROS Navigation Stack is one of the most popular navigation solutions in mobile robots since 2010. It enables mobile robots to move around autonomously and address industry applications such as distributed delivery, security surveillance, autonomous cleaning, and several more. The ROS Navigation2 stack is a new and improved version …
Overview This programme aims to help company leaders understand digital leadership competencies, leading to improvements in productivity, employee motivation and business performance. Enabling leaders to understand digital transformation goes beyond the digital to target the transformation of business value propositions, the organisation process, and its people. This 2 half-day programme …
Overview This programme focuses on applying relevant machine learning techniques to extract hidden patterns from either commercial systems such as CRM, ERP or excel files containing large volume of transactions data amassed over the years. Some of the examples are listed below: The programme adopts the Learn-Practise-Implement™ (LPI™) pedagogy. …
Overview This unit provides the necessary fundamental knowledge and concepts needed to understand operations management by introducing key concepts in operations improvement and productivity through: Alignment of operations improvement to a company’s strategic intent, Assessment of the performance of operations improvement based on productivity measurements, Methods, tools and technologies that …
Overview This module highlights frequent coating failures and methods of recognizing them. Various failure types will be discussed in detail through examples. Participants will be trained on the general framework of coating failure analysis to acquire the skill of identifying the root cause of specific coating defects. The course will …
Overview This course provides knowledge and techniques of optical design, testing and engineering that are widely used for dimensional measurements and inspection. The course is structured into lectures of fundamental optics principles and case studies. The topics covered include applied optics, lighting design, detection technology, imaging and sensing system. After …
Overview This module introduces the fundamentals of surface enhancement and finishing processes via mechanical and laser techniques, such as rolling, peening, burnishing, mechanical finishing processes (eg. vibratory bowl finishing), drag finishing, abrasive flow machining, magneto-rheological finishing and grinding, laser surface treatment for functionalities and marking, laser peening and laser finishing …
Overview This programme is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of managers, engineers and even operators in precision engineering companies on understanding and using advanced smart machining technologies to fulfill the relevant industrial requirements. It is structured to equip the participants with the fundamentals and state-of-the-art on the latest …